Sunday, 20 April 2008
18 Days
Just came back from pyramid 30 mins ago, put my snacks and food into the 'special' drawer where i usually keep my food, and started to clean my room as i usually do everyweek. I changed my bed sheet, and rearrange my stuffs into order.I found that the air of my area is kind of dirty because there is always a thin layer of dust on the top of my speakers even though i clean it everyweek. But sometimes can't be bother so much, since my area is close to the busy highway.
Hehe. i guess the rain is going to stop very soon, and it's almost the right time to have my dinner already....See u guys...Bye!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Lucky Day?
There was a quiz in my physics class just now, I was being so 'lucky' because I didn't really study for it, some more I skipped my class on Monday and I had totally no idea about the lab that we had done yesterday. During my break period, I took a glace on my text book and did a question from it, out of my mind, that particular question came out in the quiz exactly the same except the numbers were changed. As if i bought lottery and struck it 'accidentally'..LoL. But to be honest, although I did perfectly on that, but I was still kind of unsure about stuff taught in my skipped lesson.
I had an idea that today is my lucky day; I thought to skip my IDC lesson when I first woke up from bed, and a sudden idea came into my mind and told me that I should go for it. Normally I’ll straight away ignore any idea that came into my mind when I had decided on something, but this morning was totally different, I turn off the snooze of my clock and phone, and went into the bathroom straight away like usual. And that's true; we were having a sudden quiz this morning, pity for those who skipped the class 'accidentally' and 'intentionally'.
Finally my dilemma had been cured; I went into the CIMP office and looked for Mr. Boucher. I wanted to study engineering at Monash University, but my situation is I was afraid that I had insufficient of average mark to get into engineering faculty. My average marks is now 77% while the required marks is 80%, which means I still need to get 3 more marks from every subjects. I was not sure if I need to take the 3rd semester in order to boost my average up, because I don't want to be regret when I get into 'wrong' faculties. I was advised to try my best and try not to waste my effort and time for it which are unworthy. The director claimed that every semester there were a lot of returning students and retake subjects which they had taken last semester, and most of them didn't do much better because they were being arrogant since they feel that they're just learning the same thing again. I had definitely felt better, anyway, I’ll seriously try my best although I’m really fed up with those lectures...God Bless!!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
April Fool's Sequela
Shit...I'm all wet now!! I was caught in the rain when i was on my way back home, the sky was so cruel and don't let me to finish the last quarter of my walk...LoL...I didn't hit the gym for one week over already, all because of the stupid weather, it fooled me for 3 days, it was so dark during the afternoon and I thought it was going to rain heavily, but WTH eventually it ended up nothing. Nowadays I can hardly have time to go for gym, even though sometimes I'm free, I was just thinking of having a rest, lots of assignments and tasks are coming up as I'm approaching the end of the semester, got to plan my time real wisely or I’m gonna screw my life up!! I skipped my 1st period class today; because I knew that it's not going to have serious lectures since the test had passed yesterday. I slept all the way until 8.45am, and attend my 1st lecture at period 2. I felt much less tiring for attending only 3 period of class every day.
Out of my mind, the result of the test that I had taken yesterday was announced, I felt kind of disappointed with that, I got not enough of 3 quarter of the total marks, I made a lot of minor mistakes which had taken away a lot of innocent marks, I promise myself from the next unit onwards, I don’t want to have “last minute work” anymore, that was seriously stressful and fatigue and my face gonna have few more pimples when I feel stressed!!
It's still raining heavily outside the window, I can hear the strong wind and lightning, not sure if I’m going to have McD again tonight..LoL...I would rather have bread instead of it or I’m gonna vomit for having it 2 days continuously. Alright guys….wish me Good Luck for having a better dinner tonight…Ciao for now…See ya..
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Hey Guys

Hey guys, here's my blog site, generally would be recording with every bits of my life, how's my school going, how's my life holding up, and how's my world going on. Yeah...self introduction (always forgotten :p) name is Calvien, 19 years old, I'm from Perak, Malaysia, and I'm still a college student currently. I came from a typical family, with an elder brother, dad, mum, and grandparents. In my mind, I'm kind of easy going, friendly, and somehow I think that I'm arrogant, especially to those who're arrogant. In most of the time, I don't like to quarrel with others, because I don't know how to quarrel and I'll feel desperate and I don't like to have enemy in my life. Even though sometimes my mind was stretched up with lots of stuff, I tried my best to maintain my nerves and temper. My school....I love physics and maths, because I was always curious to know how's everything works, but too bad I didn't do very well in my maths course. In fact, I don't really like to eat and that's why I'm so thin and short(165cm, 5xkg). However, I tried a lot of food(include birds' shit..LoL) and eventually I had chosen Chinese food as my favourite food, because that's the only thing makes me realise about my real personality (:lol:). Western food came secondly and Japanese food came lastly because I always prefer to eat something cooked. Anyway, I love travelling around, especially road trip, I don't like to go with travel agency because it's rushing, and therefore I can’t 'touch' the country well enough. If I were to go to any western country and eastern country, I would choose France and Hong Kong because I like to shop around, eyeing for something that's strange and "weird". Oh hobby...other than travelling, I "guess" it might be net surfing, fooling around forums and make some friends. Since I was young, I loves cars and technology stuff, but too bad those thing that I was looking for cost like a bomb, I will never had a chance to own them until I graduated from university...haha..Alright guys, so far for my 1st entry, I'll be coming up with more and more words, hope you guys enjoy it. See ya~!